Apologies for the erroneous email sent by our company on May 1st and 2nd

Between Wednesday, May 1st and Thursday, May 2nd, late at night, some customers received email newsletter subscription requests in English by mistake.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The email in question has the subject "Confirm Your Subscription."

This is definitely the email that we sent you.

This is not a phishing email and no personal information will be leaked.

The email is to confirm whether you would like to continue receiving our e-mail newsletter.

We will use this email to contact the affected customers again in Japanese to offer our apologies.

We apologize to those who have received this email, but we would appreciate it if you could ignore it.

We would also like to apologize for the late-night release.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and concern caused.