Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
Herbal cordial Manuka honey 360ml
SKU: 024503470 JAN: 4954753087107
Regular price ¥2,700
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
  • This product contains honey. Not for use in children under 1 year of age.
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.


Cordial is a traditional non-alcoholic concentrated drink made from herbs and fruits in syrup.
Tree of Life is evolving this cordial, which has been drunk for over 1,000 years, to make it more delicious and by adding trendy ingredients.

Please dilute 7 to 8 times with water, carbonated water, hot water, herbal tea, etc.
In addition to being drinkable, it is also suitable as an ingredient in baking and can be used as a sugar source for herbal infusions, fruit juices, and sugar.

This Manuka honey cordial contains 5% New Zealand Manuka honey and 36% other honeys.
The sucrose in honey, citric acid in lemon, and gingerol in ginger help keep you hydrated during hot seasons and help maintain your health during the cold seasons of autumn and winter.
No added sugar. Enjoy the gentle sweetness of agave syrup and honey.
Mix it with hot water for a relaxing break, or mix it with water to refresh yourself. Use it in a variety of situations.

[Dilutable drinks/non-alcoholic drinks]
[No sugar added]

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Quality retention/usage guidelineUnopened : 24 months (2 years) after manufacture, after opening: Refrigerate. Be sure to consume within 3 weeks.

Size : Body: φ59×238mm Box: 60×60×H245mm
Weight Product weight: Approx. 790g
Shake well with the cap on before use.
Add to water, hot water, herbal tea, carbonated water, etc. and enjoy.
The recommended amount is 20-30ml of cordial for 180ml of drink, but please adjust the amount to your liking.
It can be enjoyed both hot and iced.
*This is a beverage to be diluted. Do not drink the original solution as is.

Other ways to enjoy
Sprinkle on yogurt or ice cream
●Add to liqueurs, champagne, etc. to make cocktails
●As a sweetener for homemade sweets
●This product contains honey. Do not give to infants under 1 year of age.
After opening, close the cap tightly, store in the refrigerator, and consume as soon as possible within 3 weeks.
●Unlike other cordials, natural ingredients may float, settle, or adhere to the spout of the bottle, but this does not affect the quality of the product. If any adheres to the spout of the bottle, please wipe it off.
●Since natural ingredients are used, the flavor and color may vary slightly depending on the season, but the quality will not change.
Honey, agave syrup, apple juice concentrate, lemon juice concentrate, ginger extract, lemon flavoring
Per 20ml
Energy: 50kcal
Protein: 0g
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrates: 12.4g
Sodium: 2.6 mg
Salt equivalent: 0.006g

*This product contains honey. Do not give to infants under 1 year old.

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  • Photo by pochi.urahatake


    生活の木というお店で HERB CORDIAL というものを購入しました MANUKA HONEYとENGLISH ELDER FLOWERです なにやらからだによさそうで ただたんさんやお湯でわるのですが コップいっぱいに 20~30ml これは はかるものをかわねば がはがばいれてすぐなくなるとおもい 212Kitchenへ ちょうどいいのがありました これなかなかすぐれものです #内藤デザイン研究所 #ぷーとん #ぬいとり #生活の木#212kitchenstore

  • Photo by style_izm


    【HERB CORDIAL】 ゆっくりと癒されたい時に飲もうと思っていた ハーブや果物をシロップに漬け込んだ 伝統的なノンアルコール濃縮飲料のハーブコーディアル。 試飲させていただいたのが美味しくて先月購入したのに ずっとタイミングを逃していて 昨晩やっと開封。 マヌカハニーは通常のはちみつよりも高い抗菌作用が特長で 感染症対策・喉のケア・美容のサポートなどが期待できるそうです。 お湯でも、炭酸でも、冷水でも何で割っても美味い😊✨ 今日も帰ったら飲もう🫖✨ #ハーブコーディアル #生活の木 #リラックス #体に優しく #自分に優しく ちなみに3枚目の写真は 昨日早朝、空港まで末の息子たちを送った時の写真📷 綺麗な朝だった。 そしてあっという間に10月も終わり。 11月はもっと忙しい。 しっかりやっていこう✨

  • Photo by hanamari_hana


    久しぶり 色々と億劫になっていた 近ごろだったけど… 友達と色々と話す機会が増え ちょっとずつ気持ちが軽くなり 買物したい‼️と思って☺️ 何かを欲しいと思うの… かなり大事だなぁ🤔 #three #auxparadis #買物 #生活の木

  • Photo by wakabamark_ogino


    職場が寒いから、温まるものを。 生姜紅茶に、マヌカハニーのハーブコーディアルを。 #オーサワジャパン #生姜紅茶 #生活の木 #ハーブコーディアル #マヌカハニー #ハーブコーディアルマヌカハニー #紅茶 #買い物 #お買い物 #購入品 #購入品紹介

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