My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Women's Friend Blend Tea Bags
SKU: 029035790 JAN: 4954753089545
Regular price ¥648
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
  • *St. John's Wort is included in this blend.
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.


"My 30 Day Tea" is here to help you start a good habit for your mind and body.
We focused on making it delicious so that you can continue to drink it comfortably and enjoyably in your daily life.
It's a blend that can be gulped down and seeps into your body.

The Women's Friend Blend contains 13 herbs including black soybean, lady's mantle, and shatavari.
It has a gentle aroma based on the warm flavor of black beans.

Caffeine-free (0.00% caffeine)
Caffeine anhydrous 0.00g
*Analysis values ​​are per tea bag extracted with 180ml of boiling water.

[7 tea bags]
For a one week trial.
This is not an individually wrapped type.

[30 tea bags]
First of all, we want you to enjoy it for 30 days.
The individual packaging makes it easy to carry and can be easily taken to the office or when traveling.

[90 tea bags]
To ensure you drink it continuously for a solid 3 months.
It is also convenient for those who drink it several times a day, or for sharing with family or office colleagues.
This is not an individually wrapped type.

*The 7-piece set is only available online and is not sold at Tree of Life stores.

The blend contains St. John's Wort.
The effectiveness of some medicines may be reduced.
If you are taking the following medications, please refrain from taking this product or consult your doctor or pharmacist before using it.
[Oral contraceptives, blood coagulation inhibitors, cardiac stimulants, antiarrhythmic drugs, immunosuppressants, anti-HIV drugs, bronchodilators, anti-epileptic drugs, and COVID-19 treatment drugs]

Country of Origin: Japan (MADE IN JAPAN)

Quality Maintenance/Usage Guidelines
Unopened: 36 months (3 years) after manufacture
After opening: Keep refrigerated. Consume as soon as possible.

Size and weight
[7 pieces]
Bag: 110×40×H180mm
Product weight: Approx. 31g

[30 pieces]
Individual packaging: 90 x H93mm
Box: 95×95×H145mm
Product Weight: Approx. 152g

[90 pieces]
Bag: 180 x H292mm
Product Weight: Approx. 244g
In the case of hot
Place a tea bag in a warm cup, pour in about 180ml of boiling water, and let sit for 5 to 6 minutes before enjoying.

For ice cream
Brew it strong using about half the usual amount of hot water and pour directly into a heat-resistant glass filled with ice.
*Not for cold brewing.
*St. John's Wort is included in this blend.
The effectiveness of some medicines may be reduced.
If you are taking the following medications, please refrain from taking this product or consult your doctor or pharmacist before using it.
[Oral contraceptives, blood coagulation inhibitors, cardiac stimulants, antiarrhythmic drugs, immunosuppressants, anti-HIV drugs, bronchodilators, anti-epileptic drugs, and COVID-19 treatment drugs]

[30 pieces (individually wrapped)]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●Please consume as soon as possible after opening.

[7 pieces, 90 pieces]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●After opening, seal and store in the refrigerator.
Black soybeans (domestic), rooibos red, Siberian ginseng, lady's mantle, shatavari, St. John's wort, linden flower, western carrot bark, German chamomile, yarrow, sage, rose hips, nettle

User reviews:

・The name you use when posting a review will be made public. We recommend that you use a name that cannot be used to identify you, such as your initials.
・Posts about products will be published in accordance with legal regulations. Please note that any content that cannot be published legally will be kept private.

  • Photo by cozy_room.y


    *** 寝る前のハーブティー☕️ #大人のひとり暮らし #大人の一人暮らし #大人のひとり暮らしインテリア #ひとり暮らし #一人暮らしインテリア #ハーブティー #生活の木 #私の30日茶 #マグカップ

  • Photo by kurayoshi_n


    . 恒例の、「頼まれてないのに勝手にPR」する #くらよしの買ってよかったシリーズ 今日も長いです テーマは「生理の辛さ、無かったことに」 . 母が丈夫に産んでくれたおかげか 幼少期に添加物抜きを徹底してくれたからか 婦人科系問題で悩むことはほぼないまま のうのうと過ごしてきました 生理周期は27〜29日で安定、量も普通 生理開始日前後に腹部に鈍痛がある程度で 概ね平和に過ごしてきたんです . それがここ数ヶ月、辛いんですよね 生理中ずっと体が重だるいし、お腹痛いしやる気出ない まあ出産経験ないし年齢も年齢だし 一人暮らしになってジャンク比率あがったしと 思い当たる節は多々ありますが 食生活はちゃんとテコ入れしたいと思いつつ(いつよ) 取り急ぎ、あんまし頑張らず薬にも頼り過ぎず 改善する方法ないかなと考えて 最悪なPMSに悩まされていたかわいい後輩ちゃん達が 鬼の苦しみから解放された魔法のお茶を思い出し treeoflife_official ご存知生活の木に駆け込んだわけです . これねー、いい← 何がってまず普通に美味しい なんのクセもない黒豆茶ですもん 1日一杯でいいのに ポットに多めにお湯入れてグビグビいっちゃう コーヒーグビグビいくとホットでも結果体冷えるから 水飲みの私には嬉しい美味しさ . そしてガールズも言ってた通り 全ての不調が、嘘みたいに静かに居なくなりましてん あくまで個人の感想ですけどね 私くらいだと普段となんらかわらないとこまで もっていけました お茶だけで ひとまわり以上年下のガールズも 毎月悩まされていた泣きたくなるほどの体調不良と この世の終わりかとおもう不調メンタルが しれっとクリアになったと言ってたので かなりの確率で効果あるんだとおもいます 私はお店で30包入り2,000円くらいの買いましたが 楽天だと7包500円くらいの 1週間お試しサイズがあるみたい とりあえずroomに入れたので、気になる方はぜひ〜 . #pms対策 #更年期 も #フェムテック ですよ #丁寧な暮らし 風 #黒豆茶

  • Photo by keynyo


    マイブームは茶。 ここ最近茶ばかり買ってる。茶に関する本とかちょっと読んだらおもしろくて、何も考えずに飲んでたお茶にこんな効能があったんだ、という気付きがあるのがよき。 昔からこまめな水分補給が苦手?なので意識して水分補給しようという気持ちになった。 ラズベリーリーフのハーブティーと私の30日茶。treeoflife_official きりしま日和のヨモギ。yamashitayakusoushop 麦茶 oyaizu0812 日替わりでいろいろ飲むの楽しみ! #お茶 #ハーブティー #ラズベリーリーフティー #女性の味方ブレンド #生活の木 #きりしま日和 #よもぎ茶 #山下薬草店 #水分補給 #麦茶 #小柳津清一商店 #マイブーム #マイブーム到来 #健康第一

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