My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
My 30 Day Tea Toho Bijin Blend Tea Bags
SKU: 029035710 JAN: 4954753089460
Regular price ¥648
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"My 30 Day Tea" is designed to help you start a good habit for your mind and body.
We focused on making it delicious so that you can continue to drink it comfortably and enjoyably in your daily life.
It's a blend that can be gulped down and seeps into your body.

The Oriental Beauty Blend contains 16 types of herbs, including Oriental Beauty, Rooibos Green, and Evening Primrose.
Based on Oriental Beauty, which has an elegant, sweet aftertaste, it has a herbal, refreshing taste.

Decaffeinated (0.00% caffeine)
Caffeine anhydrous 0.00g
*The oolong tea used in this product contains caffeine, but the analytical value is per tea bag extracted with 180ml of boiling water.

[7 tea bags]
For a one week trial.
This is not an individually wrapped type.

[30 tea bags]
First of all, we want you to enjoy it for 30 days.
The individual packaging makes it easy to carry and can be easily taken to the office or when traveling.

[90 tea bags]
To ensure you drink it continuously for a solid 3 months.
It is also convenient for those who drink it several times a day, or for sharing with family or office colleagues.
This is not an individually wrapped type.

*The 7-piece set is only available online and is not sold at Tree of Life stores.

Country of Origin: Japan (MADE IN JAPAN)

Quality Maintenance/Usage Guidelines
Unopened: 36 months (3 years) after manufacture
After opening: Keep refrigerated. Consume as soon as possible.

Size and weight
[7 pieces]
Bag: 110×40×H180mm
Product weight: Approx. 31g

[30 pieces]
Individual packaging: 90 x H93mm
Box: 95×95×H145mm
Product Weight: Approx. 152g

[90 pieces]
Bag: 180 x H292mm
Product Weight: Approx. 244g
In the case of hot
Place a tea bag in a warm cup, pour in about 180ml of boiling water, and let sit for 5 to 6 minutes before enjoying.

For ice cream
Brew it strong using about half the usual amount of hot water and pour directly into a heat-resistant glass filled with ice.
*Not for cold brewing.
[30 pieces (individually wrapped)]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●Please consume as soon as possible after opening.

[7 pieces, 90 pieces]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●After opening, seal and store in the refrigerator.
Oolong tea (from Taiwan), rooibos green, pearl barley, olive, rose hip, red grape leaf, guava leaf, nettle, burdock root, dandelion root, juniper berry, marigold, heather, rosemary, elderflower, evening primrose

User reviews:

・The name you use when posting a review will be made public. We recommend that you use a name that cannot be used to identify you, such as your initials.
・Posts about products will be published in accordance with legal regulations. Please note that any content that cannot be published legally will be kept private.

  • Photo by 27lotus0830


    昨日、仕事納め。 ホッと一息です☺ このポットは高校生くらいのときに 青山かどこかの紅茶専門店へ 背伸びして出かけたときに買った 群青色のポット。今ごろになって しっくり使えるようになりました。 しばらく珈琲まみれでしたが 最近ハーブにも戻ってきていて 普段は生活の木のお茶を飲んでます。 今日は30DAYSシリーズの東方美人。 生活の木も高校生の頃に知りましたが 今頃になって普段の生活にしっくりきます。 そういうことが多いお年ごろながらも 無事に1年すごせたことに感謝をしながら ゆっくりお休みしたいと思います。 皆さま、1年ありがとうございました✨ 良いお年をお迎えくださいませ♡ #生活の木 #仕事納め #しっくりくるもの #来年の抱負 #未来のためにできる事としない事 #応援したいものを選びます #人に物に空間に場所に祈りと感謝 #いつもありがとう

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    今日のおやつ✨ 「生活の木」で見つけたお茶と羊羹♪ こちらのお茶は16種類のハーブがブレンドされていて、私が好きなグリーンルイボスやエルダーフラワーも入っています ウーロン茶の様な味で飲みやすくてお気に入り 初めてジョー・マローンのクリームをお試し💕 ささやかな癒やしです🫐 #今日のおやつ#生活の木#ハーブティー#羊羹#ジョー・マローン#ブラックベリーアンドベイ

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    【私の30日茶シリーズ】 シミ、シワ、肌荒れ、 そしてアレルギー性鼻炎… それも慢性で年中鼻炎… 不摂生な暮らしで 年々悪化しちゃったわたしの身体💦 ストレスフルな日常の中、 このお茶シリーズは、 わたしの生活に 欠かせないお茶になっています✨ 「私の30日茶」 とっても飲みやすい❣️ 身体の調子がよいと、 気分も上がる‼︎ 自分で、 自分の調子を整えよう✨✨ Herbful Days🍀 #生活の木 #ハーブティ #私の30日茶 #温巡ジンジャーブレンド #ハッピーノーズブレンド #東方美人ブレンド #高麗人参剛力ブレンド

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