Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
Delicious herbal tea Echinacea Bare tea bag
SKU: 024773220 JAN: 4954753087510
Regular price ¥648
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Oranges and Apples

[We will be gradually changing the label size of packages containing 100 units (before change: 4th image, after change: 5th image)]

This herbal tea retains the original flavor and characteristics of the herbs while adding fruits and flavors, making it easy to drink and delicious.
We use natural sweeteners such as herb leaves and roots.

Orange scent with spices such as cinnamon and ginger.
I want to relax in my room during the cold season.
Perfect for tea time on an autumn or winter afternoon.

Caffeine-free (0.00% caffeine)
Caffeine anhydrous 0.00g
*Analysis values ​​are per tea bag extracted with 180ml of boiling water.

The pack of 10 (tea bags) is individually wrapped.
The 30 and 100 packs are not individually wrapped.

We also have assorted sets available, perfect for trying out or as gifts.
Delicious herbal tea fruit tea set Ru tea bag

Country of Origin: Germany

Quality Maintenance/Usage Guidelines
Unopened: 36 months (3 years) after manufacture
After opening: Keep refrigerated. Consume as soon as possible.

Size and weight
[10 pieces]
Box: 67 x 58 x H80mm (individual packaging: 66 x H77mm)
Shipping box: 208 x 155 x H93mm (including 6 items)
Product weight: Approx. 45g (1 item) Approx. 342g (including shipping box and 6 items)

[30 pieces]
Bag: 150mm x H203mm
Product weight: Approx. 83g

[100 pieces]
Bag: 180 x H290mm
Product weight: Approx. 250g
In the case of hot
Place tea bag in a warm cup, pour boiling water over it, and let sit for 5-6 minutes before drinking.

For ice cream
Pour strong herbal tea into a glass filled with ice.
*Not for cold brewing.

○As this product contains a lot of fruit and herb fragments, we recommend allowing the extract time to extend its useful life.
[10 pieces (individually wrapped)]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●Please consume as soon as possible after opening.

[Pack of 30, Pack of 100]
●Before opening, store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity.
●After opening, seal and store in the refrigerator.
Echinacea, apple, rose hips, blackberry leaf, cinnamon, hibiscus, ginger, orange peel, clove, chicory root, flavor, citric acid

User reviews:

・The name you use when posting a review will be made public. We recommend that you use a name that cannot be used to identify you, such as your initials.
・Posts about products will be published in accordance with legal regulations. Please note that any content that cannot be published legally will be kept private.

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